
Friday, December 25, 2009

Wake Up.....!!!

How I feel
How you feel
How we kill time on a hill

We just could stare a dream
But we couldn’t reach a real

Never find a candle
Never seek for a bottle
If we haven’t got a matches handle

Should we fly on the sky
With the wings of broken hay?
We have to have another way
Another way
Other way
Wake up on headway rainbow ray

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Points of Sentenses

1. people have condition (the point)
a (modifier of condition)
As many as one in 2000 (modifier Adverb)
called synesthesia (modifier past participle of a condition)
two or more (Modifier of senses)
get mixed up or confused
“As many as one in 2000 people have a condition called synesthesia where two or more senses get mixed up or confused”
2. Kate and Rebecca discuss some ( the point)
This week (modifier adverb)
of the common forms (modifier prepositional phrase of some)
of the condition (modifier prepositional phrase of the common forms)
“This week Kate and Rebecca discuss some of the common forms of the condition”
3. China's economy has recovered (the point)
earlier and more strongly (modifier adverb)
than any other (modifier prepositional phrase of earlier and more strongly)
“China's economy has recovered earlier and more strongly than any other”
4. data is evidence
This latest (modifier of data)
further (modifier of evidence)
of that trend (modifier prepositional phrase of avidence)
“This latest data is further evidence of that trend”
5. sector is showing signs (the point)
The property (modifier of sector)
of overheating (modifier prepositional phrase of signs)
“The property sector is showing signs of overheating”

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Review Movie of Laskar Pelangi

"Nothing is impossible" is a statement that comes to mind after watching the movie of Laskar Pelangi. It shows the people that whatever and however they are, they still have the equal chance in getting their achievement.
The movie of Laskar Pelangi, that takes set in Belitong, in 1970s, shows the children who never surrender and feel inferior with their condition. The children who only study in small moldy "Muhammadiyah" elementary school can prove that they can do as other children of other luxurious school or even better. Their contrast condition with the other children who study in a complete school can not prevent them to be great dreamer and creative students. In carnival competition they can make the people amazed with their odd unique dance and in quiz contest they can be the best.
This movie not only shows the big spirit of the poor students of the small elementary school but also love, friendship, sadness, and success. Ikal,the main character of the movie, falls in love with Aling,a tionghoa descent, but it becomes unpleasantness when he has to lose his love that goes to elsewhere. Lintang, also the main character who is called Newton by Ikal, has to stop his studying because he has to make a living for their family after his father dies. At this time,the children try to prevent him to not stop studying, but they cannot because they are not rich people. Although they lose their best friend, they never give up and always try to reach their dream and Ikal is one of them who is successful. He is accepted to be one of the students freely in one of the best university in Paris.
But for those who have read the novel of Laskar Pelangi,like me, may not be really satisfied after watching it. It cannot be enjoyed as deep as its novel because there are some events that are not like the events which are in the novel or may be cut. When they do a trip to a mysterious island to meet a famous fakir to ask help, they just see his shadow while actually in the novel they meet him and do some conversation. In quiz contest, the questions which are given are not as fantastic as the questions in the novel. Those differences make a different enjoyment when the people read and watch Laskar Pelangi.

Sunday, November 29, 2009


I am Mujibur Rohman, twenty two years. I am an English student in one of Islamic university in West Java. I decided to learn English in order to know the world because I think English is one of the key of knowing the world. My favorite quote is you won't feel how to get up if you never fall.
I used to be one of three best students in the class from first grade to third of junior high school but in senior high school I did not. I passed my elementary school only in five years and it escaped the ordinary. I took one of best English course in East Java for nine months and graduated with satisfaction and it is my getting up. my hobby is moving from one city to other city and now is the sixth city I ever live. now, my short project is trying to be used to reading and writing because since I was in first class of junior high school I did not used to them.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

How To Be A good In Teaching

Actually, teaching is not as simple as we think because teaching is not only transferring the knowledge from one person to others but also making the person whom we teach understands about what we give. Therefore, if we want to be a teacher we have to know how to be a good in teaching.
First thing that we should understand is we know and understand about what we want to teach. It is impossible for us to teach other people something that we never know and understand. Knowing and understanding are very important. if we just know but we do not understand the lesson or the subject we want to give, there wil be a difficulty i explaining it or giving the answer of what we teach if there is a question.
Having a good preparation is the second important thing we have to do after knowing and understanding the subject. It is Impossible for us to teach without preparation. the good preparation we need to have is not only the subject preparation but also our own selves preparation on how to give the subject itsef. We have to be confident first and of course being confident does not come instantly to us, we need to spend much more time to exercise our selves speaking in front of many people in order to build a confident feeling. besdies that, we also need to know the background of the student whom we will teach. If we know the student's background, it will help us in how our way of teaching is beacause every saparate student has its own way.
The very difficult thing in teaching is beaing accepted by the student. Sometimes, the students feel sleepy, bored, lazy, awkward, or uninterested because of the way on how we teach. So, we need to recognize what actually the students need because it wil help them in understanding the subject. some of the students like serious condition and athers like a joke condition.
Other thing that we have to have in teaching is enough voice. Enough voice, I mean, is the voice which is not too hard to hear and not too low. If our voice is too hard in speaking when we teach, the student, sometimes, consider it that we are angry or even not, of course, speaking in hig voice is not nice to hear. But, if we teach the students in a low voice, the students wi not hear and it will cause them speak by themselves and they will not pay attention to us.
Considering our selves is also needed. we have to pay attention to our own selves as well as the student. Definetly, if it is ony us who speak, it wil be tiring. so we need to make them speak or active. we have to make them give a respons with what we say or explain about the subject in order to make the class alive.
The most important thing in teaching is practice. we need to practice more because being a good in teachig is not a thing that comes instanty to us.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Bukan 7 Tahun yang lalu

7 tahun lalu, sinarmu mulai meredup saat kerasnya waktu semakin menggerogoti setiap sendi kehidupanmu dan kau tak pernah menyerah. kau terus mencoba bertahan dampingi merkuriusmu yang mulai bersinar walau energimu mulai terkuras termakan jatah usia dunia hanya untuk ajarkan merkuriusmu mencengkram langit dan melawan badai.
7 tahun yang lalu adalah tahun terakhir kau dan merkuriusmu berbagi dalam satu galaksi, Galaksi Bima Sakti, karena pada saat itu pula kau harus pergi, kau harus relakan merkuriusmu sendiri, belajar bersinar, membesar tanpamu.
Dan hari ini merkuriusmu masih ingat walau tak tahu, hari pertama kau menatap merkurius kecilmu dengan senyuman, senyuman penuh harapan, senyuman penuh kebanggaan. Dan hari ini pula merkuriusmu tak lagi melihat senyumanmu, rasakan genggam erat peluk belai tanganmu, karena hari ini bukan tujuh tahun yang lalu, bukan tujuh tahun sebelumnya, dan bukan tujuh tahun lagi sebelumnya.
I Love you Dad!!!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Kekhawatiran tentang Ebook

Di dalam article “More reasons to worry about ebooks than I thought” ( disebutkan bahwa maraknya ebook pada saat ini memunculkan rasa khawatir karena ebook sendiri tidaklah sama seperti buku yang bisa dibawa kemana-mana. Ebook tersimpan di sebuah jaringan internet yang mana jaringan itu berada di bawah control seseorang. Masalahnya adalah ketika pembaca sedang membaca ebook, maka akan sangat mudah bagi seseorang yang mengontrol jaringan itu untuk memberhentikan apa yang kita baca kapan saja.
Kekhawatiran bagi penulis adalah ketika dia menulis dan kemudian tulisannya diterbitkan melalui ebook, maka penulis menghadapi beberapa masalah dalam mendapatkan penghasilan dari tulisannya. Karena jaringan internet yang menjual ebook belumlah aman dari pembajakan walaupun sudah menggunakan software DMR.
Selain itu, kekhawatiran itu juga dirasakan oleh penjual buku. Penjual buku tidak akan lagi mendapatkan penghasilan apabila orang-orang lebih memilih membaca melalui ebook daripada buku

Friday, July 17, 2009

Rotasi yang tak ku mengerti

Aku adalah guratan merah di otakku, tersusun dan terangkai di setiap melodi jejaring yang terhubung, bergerak cepat berkelebat bersama dentuman jantung yang berdetak. terbungkus putih hitam informasi yang setiap hari ku cerna dan setiap episode yang ku alami. Aku berputar, mengoleksi data-data baru, data-data aneh, data-data yang ku suka dan ku benci. berotasi di setiap lingkaran batas yang terikat. lingkaran batas yang ku tak pernah mengerti.
Kadang ku berhenti berotasi, dengarkan setiap desiran darah yang mengalir, pandangi arus merah pekat yang tak secerah warnaku. saat semua ku dengarkan dan ku pandangi, pikiranku berpikir dalam pikiranku. haruskah ku berlari dari lingkaran batas menembus putih tengkorak dan kulit kepalaku sehingga ku mampu menikmati lembutnya gemericik ayunan rambutku, dan aku pun pahami.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Thanks, Ant !!!!

kata-kata itu akhirnya terucap juga dari mulutnya. sebuah kata yang tak pernah ia ucapkan. "Astaghfirullah, apa yang barusan aku ucapkan, Tuhan!" gumamnya. "apakah ini bukti bahwa aku benar-benar manusia lemah?". ia pun duduk, bersandar di tembok yang tak putih dan tak hitam. ia mulai merenungkan semua yang ia alami, semua yang sebenarnya he doesn't deserve to experience it.
"ha...ha....ha..." tiba-tiba ia tertawa, entah apa yang ia tertawakan.
ia pandangi seekor semut hitam yang melintas di jemari kakinya yang mulai gemetaran. ia tiup keras-keras semut itu, dan semut itu pun menggeliat tak mau pergi walaupun sebenarnya merasa terusik.
"Hai kawan!" ia mulai bercakap-cakap dengan semut itu. "apakah kau seperti aku? mencoba bertahan dan tetap berdiri! mencoba menikmati setiap usikan yang seharusnya kau tak terima? atau bahkan kau hanya memberiku waktu untuk berfikir bahwa yang aku lakukan salah? dan akhirnya kau akan menggigitku jika ku tetap mengusikmu?"
"Wusshhhh...." untuk yang kedua kalinya ia meniup semut itu lebih kencang dari sebelumnya. semut itu hanya tetap menggeliat, tetap tak berkutik dari tempatnya.
"arrgghhhhhh...., hei! kau menggigitku kawan?"
"ya, aku menggigitmu. mau apa kamu?". ia pun tersentak mendengarnya.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Life is you live

Life is collecting the stories. sad story, disgusting story; when all hate you (but you dont deserve to be), when all the people consider you as a strange person( but you are not)and you have to be alone, beautiful story; when you are able to reach what you have to and all the people around you are proud of you.
Life is colorizing with blue, white, pink, red, or even black.
Life is tasting the senses, sweet, brine, sour or even bitter.
Life is the road, straight road, slope upward road, down road, or even meander road.
Life is The problems, easy problem, medium problem or even hard problem.
Life is Funny
Life is ..........
Life is ..........
Life you have to pass
Life you have to bearing down with your own power
Life you have to walk on, with or without a friend.
Life is just the way you see.

Saturday, July 4, 2009


Di bawah terik mentari, separoh kanan badanku bercakap-cakap dengan separoh kiri badanku.

Kanan : "saat aku berjalan ku temukan dirimu berbaring tersenyum menatap awang-awang"
kiri : "saat aku berbaring ku temukan dirimu berjalan, terdiam di gelap malam di bawah sinar bintang-gemintang dan rembulan"
kanan : "sekarang apa yang kau temukan dariku?"
kiri : "sekarang kutemukan dirimu berjalan di bawah mentari bercucuran keringat dan menghitung langkah kaki. dan kau, apa yang kau temukan dariku sekarang?"
kanan : "hmmm..... aku tak menemukan dirimu, yang aku temukan hanya suara teriakanmu yang tak jelas dan bisikan suaramu yang memekakkan pendengaranku"

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Jangan tunggu ia pergi.

Hari ini adalah hari dimana semuanya berlari, berganti, dan tak terhenti. Hari dimana semua bertaburan mimpi, mimpi pasti pula mimpi yang hilang ditelan embun pagi. Adakah semua kan berdiam diri, menanti mimpi datang sendiri tanpa mencari? Hingga tertinggal di belakang dan tak ada lagi yang peduli. Hmmm,, kau tak tahu pasti, tapi itu sepertinya yang terjadi (mungkin itu pula berlaku pada dirimu sendiri). Tapi jangan kau biarkan kau terus dalam lubang jeruji besi di mana tak terdengar sebersit suara merpati. Lari dan berlari…!!!Hingga kau temukan cahaya mentari dan kau pun mampu mengerti….kau pun mampu berteriak “ It’s me………”. jangan tunggu ia pergi!!!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Gila, benar2 gila!!!!

Ini adalah hari, awal Ia mencoba melawan dirinya sendiri. Awal ia melangkahkan langkahnya dengan kakinya sendiri, bukan dengan kaki orang lain, juga bukan dengan roda-roda. Dan ia pun mengerti, begitu besar semua yang telah tercipta. Tapi, satu hal yang ia tidak mengerti, akankah ia mampu bertahan atau ia bahkan dikalahkan walaupun ia pernah berkata " Aku bisa, karena ku mampu melihat orang lain bisa"
Gila... mungkin kata itu yang kan terucap dari mulut setiap orang yang tahu apa yang ia lakukan hari ini (walaupun tak ada orang yang tahu). borbongkah-bongkah jalan hidup yang ia langkahi, hingga ia bercucuran karingat menahan terik mentari, tapi ia tak acuh. Ia tetap bertahan hingga ia mampu menyelesaikan semua (semua? kan masih ada selanjutnya kawanku).
Satu kata yang kan ia kan tetap pegang "Aku bisa, dan kan ku lawan semua keraguanku menepaki jalan hidup ini"

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Inilah aku

Dari pulau indah sedunia, g ganteng g jelek, biasa-biasa saja,
ganteng kya g da artinya,
kalo akhirnya g da yang suka.
bener ga? bilang j ya!
ganteng muka kaya harta samuanya sia-sia kalo hidupnya tersiksa. muka pas-pasan,tp harta kecukupan n hidup bahagia tukan cita-cita smw manusia, y g? klopun punya muka jelek kaya yng bca,tp orang mrasa tentram bila da di dekatnya, kan dah sebuah kebanggaan yang tak da duanya. yang penting banyak2 syukur ja ya!!!!!!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Aku lagi, aku lagi...

kadang ku benci dengan Aku, karena Aku tak pernah memberikan apa yang ku harapkan, apa yang ku inginkan. ingin ku buang Aku dariku, tapi.... ah Aku, bisakah ku rubah menjadi Uka? atau ku cari yang lain selain Aku?
mungkin orang melihat ku begitu akrab dan dekat dengan Aku, mungkin itu benar tapi yang sebenarnya adalah ku ingin pergi dari Aku dari dulu atau Aku yang pergi dariku. mungkin Aku tak merasa bahwa ku sangat mengarapkannya pergi dan tak terlihat bersamaku..
Aduh... ini cerita apaan sih????

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Bermimpi bukan mimpi

Ingin ku hempas asa yang membiru
dan berharap tak tertimbun di kalbu

hilang lepas melayang
dan tak mampu ku pandang
Biarlah biar......

adakah ia kan selalu ada

jua selalu tampak di mata

Ku tak ingin....
biarkan ia pergi dan tak hampiri lagi
dan akupun mampu benyanyi


Ku bermimpi....
tak bisa bermimpi
dan ia pun enyah tak muncul lagi

Yang ku tahu

ku tahu.....!dulu....
ia berjalan dengan berjuta keinginan
bukan hanya dengan berjuta keinginan, tapi ia juga benar2 tahu apa yang ia lakukan
tapi saat pertama ia mulai kehidupan
semua berubah warna kejenuhan
saat awal warna hijau harapan berubah buram ketakpastian
yang ia tahu, semua penuh senyuman bukan kesendirian dengan berjuta arah jalan yang selalu berlawanan
kini yang ku tahu......!
ia melangkah bukan dengan semua harapan yang ia ada, tapi dengan perasaan yang ia tak mau melawan, bukan karena tak ada kekuatan tapi karena ia mencoba untuk biarkan.

The sense of pleasure they can't see

Just living on distracting way

Crying, screaming in lonely time

Waiting for a hand comes

But there's no one hears

I was sitting on a stone thinking about who I am when an old man came to me and said "Sorry, could you tell me where the nearest inn here ?" I didn't say anything and just ignored him. I didn't want some one to disturb my imagination
He smiled for me and went away and I continued thinking. I though about everything that happened to me. I had no family, I had no money, and I had no everything I need after that disaster that lost all my own. But the point, I had no way for my own life.
I used to think about it while sitting on the stone, even though I never found what I want. Sometimes I wanna cry but my tear was dry. I didn't know what I've to do. I sought for someone's hand but no one cared about me. I was supposed to be a thing that no one wanted it come. Damn..!! all are snobbish
Suddenly I got a voice "A dream is not a way to solve your life problem. You will not get what you want if you just stand on your dream..... move....!!!! Find your life!". To my surprise the voice was not from my mind, but it was from the old man I've ignored.

mungkin itu hanya sebuah kata
sebuah kata yang hanya menyisakan luka
sebuah kata yang tak kan terlupa
tak kan terhapus oleh masa

mungkin itu hanya sebuah cerita
sebuah cerita lama dikehidupan nyata
sebuah cerita yang memang benar adanya
jua semua merasaknnya

adakah yang mampu membuatnya pergi
hilang tak muncul lagi
tersembunyi, terikat tak bisa lari

ku tak yakin
itu tak mungkin
karena ia seperti angin

mengertikah kau?????

Aren't you shy?
You can't see the sky
Then you cry

Aren't you crazy?
You could be happy
But you were lazy

Aren't you laughed?
By someone has no love
Just tries to run off

Aren't you able to see?
All of them are canny
Cast away their sin clearly
When I was in a large world, I could acquire that I'm no one, I was just the dust that could be broken down and easy to be kicked out of this world. Why could I be? cz in that large world I was like in a war and I just took note of the enemy, I didn't take a good look to my sword.


What I've to do is trying to be someone and using my sword as good as possible in order to not to be thrown easily from this fight.

I don't want to be no one anymore...........

Saat ini, Mei 29 2009

Ku pernah berjalan
mencari sebuah arti yang mampu ku tahan
mencari seseorang yang bisa menjadi teman
tapi yang harus kusadari
arti dan teman yang telah kumiliki
tak akan selamanya disini
dia akan pergi
dia akan mencari seperti apa yang kucari
mungkin masih banyak arti dan teman yang bisa kucari lagi
tapi yang pergi tak kan ada pengganti
yang datang hanyalah bagian baru yang tak kan mampu sepertinya
inilah kisah hidup
ada yang datang dan ada pula yang pergi

semua ini kutulis
hanya untuk mengingatkan aku
jika suatu saat harus ada lagi arti dan teman yang harus pergi
ku tak menangisi dan meratapi

karena ia pasti terjadi
walau ku tak pernah ingin ia terjadi
Aku tahu........
aku bukanlah gemuruh ombak yang terdengar
aku bukanlah hembusan angin yang terasa
aku hanyalah berita

Aku tahu.......
aku bukanlah awan
pula bukan hujan
aku hanya sederet tulisan

aku tahu........
aku bukanlah semua
aku bukanlah sekelumit kata
aku hanya seuntai nama

Aku tahu.......
ah, aku terlalu banyak tahu
hingga siapa diriku