Actually, teaching is not as simple as we think because teaching is not only transferring the knowledge from one person to others but also making the person whom we teach understands about what we give. Therefore, if we want to be a teacher we have to know how to be a good in teaching.
First thing that we should understand is we know and understand about what we want to teach. It is impossible for us to teach other people something that we never know and understand. Knowing and understanding are very important. if we just know but we do not understand the lesson or the subject we want to give, there wil be a difficulty i explaining it or giving the answer of what we teach if there is a question.
Having a good preparation is the second important thing we have to do after knowing and understanding the subject. It is Impossible for us to teach without preparation. the good preparation we need to have is not only the subject preparation but also our own selves preparation on how to give the subject itsef. We have to be confident first and of course being confident does not come instantly to us, we need to spend much more time to exercise our selves speaking in front of many people in order to build a confident feeling. besdies that, we also need to know the background of the student whom we will teach. If we know the student's background, it will help us in how our way of teaching is beacause every saparate student has its own way.
The very difficult thing in teaching is beaing accepted by the student. Sometimes, the students feel sleepy, bored, lazy, awkward, or uninterested because of the way on how we teach. So, we need to recognize what actually the students need because it wil help them in understanding the subject. some of the students like serious condition and athers like a joke condition.
Other thing that we have to have in teaching is enough voice. Enough voice, I mean, is the voice which is not too hard to hear and not too low. If our voice is too hard in speaking when we teach, the student, sometimes, consider it that we are angry or even not, of course, speaking in hig voice is not nice to hear. But, if we teach the students in a low voice, the students wi not hear and it will cause them speak by themselves and they will not pay attention to us.
Considering our selves is also needed. we have to pay attention to our own selves as well as the student. Definetly, if it is ony us who speak, it wil be tiring. so we need to make them speak or active. we have to make them give a respons with what we say or explain about the subject in order to make the class alive.
The most important thing in teaching is practice. we need to practice more because being a good in teachig is not a thing that comes instanty to us.
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